Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Lifelong Learning- More than Education

I have three little boys that I lovingly call Buck, Bear, and Tank.

Most days I scurry about, busily taking care of my duties as a wife, mother, and neighbor. I pray each morning and each night, during which I express gratitude for the things in my life. I attend church each Sunday where I worship through song, prayer, and learning. I study scripture (almost) every day in an effort to gain a stronger knowledge of the spiritual aspect of life. Most days, I am grateful for the same things- family, safety, food, shelter, and health.

Other days, like today, there comes a moment in my day where my heart is touched by something special. This morning I was sitting on the floor of our playroom playing a game of "cash register" with Bear. It was an attempt at incorporating some basic math into our unorganized, preschool-esque playtime. I walked away from our game feeling very thankful for that teaching moment with Bear, and for the opportunities I have had in my life to gain and education.

From a religious standpoint, I have a testimony in the value of lifelong learning. I believe that any knowledge we attain during this lifetime will benefit me (and those around me) in the hereafter; as I will have an opportunity to expand and build upon that knowledge forever. For my children, it is so important that they come to understand how many ways there are to learn--books and school work are just the beginning! I find that more of my learning (especially the kind I can retain) comes through experiences. I have a renewed motivation to get my kids unplugged from the XBox, away from the TV, and off of the Kindle... then out the door! Run through the woods, learn what plants poke or smell good or give us food. Play on the playground; learn how to create stories of pirates and lost boys and adventures in a tree fort. Ride a bike, learn how to brush your knees off and get back on when you've fallen. Character development does not come in the form of earning more Skylanders; it comes in the form of learning about life, science, art, scripture, history, math, culture, and good old-fashioned hard work. It this process of lifelong learning, the pursuit of knowledge throughout our lifetime [specifically, that which extends beyond what government has deemed as appropriate on-level education] that will develop my children and myself into productive contributors of society.

Ultimately, a well-rounded education will help my children to better discern between right and wrong. Some of that knowledge will come through trial and error; but much if it will come from having a better understanding of where they fit into the "big picture." They will come to see a world beyond themselves, and hopefully understand the sacrifices that have been made by those who have built this life for them--be it teachers, religious leaders, parents, forefathers, family members, public defenders...the list could go on. As a mother, I hope that a greater knowledge, a firmer understanding of who they are and what the world has to offer them will bring them to and adulthood full of cultural, familial, and spiritual success. And so, today I am so grateful for education.
"Education is the power to think clearly, to act well in the world's work, and to appreciate life"-Brigham Young